THE BIG PICTURE As a follow up to the lawsuits we previously discussed, Nintendo won both suits against the Switch mod resellers, one via default judgment and the other via consent. CASES NINTENDO V. ANXCHIP.COM, ET AL. Nintendo filed this suit against Doe defendants operating eight websites. The websites sold Switch modification devices that allowed users to play unauthorized copies of games. Because the defendants “deliberately obscure their identities” according to Nintendo, the court granted Nintendo’s motion to serve the defendants via email. None of the defendants appeared or responded, but they did change website URLs and sent emails to customers referencing the lawsuit. Nintendo moved for entry of a default judgment and entry of a permanent injunction, which the court granted on October 6, 2020.
Nintendo Wins Suits Against Switch Mod Resellers
Nintendo Wins Suits Against Switch Mod…
Nintendo Wins Suits Against Switch Mod Resellers
THE BIG PICTURE As a follow up to the lawsuits we previously discussed, Nintendo won both suits against the Switch mod resellers, one via default judgment and the other via consent. CASES NINTENDO V. ANXCHIP.COM, ET AL. Nintendo filed this suit against Doe defendants operating eight websites. The websites sold Switch modification devices that allowed users to play unauthorized copies of games. Because the defendants “deliberately obscure their identities” according to Nintendo, the court granted Nintendo’s motion to serve the defendants via email. None of the defendants appeared or responded, but they did change website URLs and sent emails to customers referencing the lawsuit. Nintendo moved for entry of a default judgment and entry of a permanent injunction, which the court granted on October 6, 2020.